Inexperienced Drivers Dramatically Impact The Safety Of Our Roads
Inexperience and the temptation to engage in risky driving behavior make teen drivers much more susceptible to car accidents. Negligent driving habits can lead to serious car crashes that can affect you for the rest of your life. If you have been injured in a car crash involving a teenager, you need an attorney.
The personal injury lawyers at Greene Ketchum investigate the accident, recover insurance money and seek compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. Contact personal injury lawyers in Huntington, West Virginia, for a free initial consultation and case evaluation.
Teen Driver Inexperience And Distractions Cause Accidents
Because of their lack of experience or reckless driving on the road, teens often fail to observe some of the most important driving rules. Serious injuries and fatalities occur because teens are:
- Talking on their cell phone
- Not wearing a seat belt
- Driving carelessly
- Speeding
- Texting while driving
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
These poor driving habits may be the direct cause of your car accident injuries. At Greene and Ketchum, the lawyers know how to go after compensation for teenager car accident injuries. We are experienced in investigating the cause of the crash. To preserve crucial information, we need to work quickly after you are involved in an accident. We also compassionately represent the family of someone involved in a fatal accident in a wrongful death suit.
Request a
Free Consultation
Greene Ketchum would be honored to review & consider your case. Call us at 304.525.9115 or submit your case online for prompt evaluation.